A New Chapter 🏡

A New Chapter

Friday Email Archive

March 10, 2023

If you’ve been following our new Friday emails, you know that this isn’t your typical marketing email. It’s a chance for you to get to know me a bit a better and see behind the curtain of Greenbriar Market. Today’s email starts with a bit more of a somber tone, but I think it’s important to share the struggles as you get to know the person behind the shop. As always, I look forward to your replies to this week’s email!  Oh and there’s a surprise promotion I’m excited to share! Here we go…..

A harsh red sign screamed SOLD while 3 bright yellow sunshine balloons danced against a dark and grey snow filled sky. No other scene could have more accurately depicted the emotions swirling around inside me.

Our dream home that we designed ourselves and worked so hard for was now destined to be the setting of a previous chapter of our lives. My stomach turned a little as I accepted responsibility for this. After all, it was me who wanted to start my own business and quit my very well paying job; sacrificing one dream for another. 

The conversation has come up with a number of my entrepreneurial friends and colleagues that there is this misconception that you are rich if you own your own business. The opposite is very often true. Behind the smiles, beautiful products, shops and restaurants are unimaginable hurdles that you only understand once you are in the thick of it. I’m thankful for people like Melba from Bowness Soapworks, Jacki from Magic Pantry and Nicole from Terra Digital Agency. These are entrepreneurs who know the struggle and constantly work to build up the people and local businesses around them 🥰 

That said, one of my favourite parts of Greenbriar is the community that is building around us with our neighbours, vendors and clients. We look forward to people coming in to learn about all of the sustainable, non-toxic and Canadian made products. We love telling the stories behind the people and the brands. We live for getting to know our customers (and their fur babies🐶🐱). We are grateful for each and every one of you.

As for my house, I am choosing to see the ending of this chapter of our life as a fresh start and a beginning of another. We’ve found a new place to live, are able to keep Greenbriar going and continue to be part of the amazing community here in Montgomery. Most importantly, Mat and I have each other. After more than 16 years together (and having just celebrated 10 years of marriage on February 13th) there isn’t a lot we haven’t been through. Whatever comes next will be amazing as long as we get to do it together ❤️.

If you’ve made it this far and now are thinking you want to get in on this amazing community and the happening at Greenbriar AND meet the fantastic artisans and makers in our community then ensure you sign up for one of our events. Many of them involve getting to meet new people, treats fromMagic Pantry and a cocktail 🥂or two. Plus it’s a great way to visit with friends and not have to clean up or host!

Check out the Bowness Soapworks Soap Slab Sale and Soap Making Workshop this Sunday on the events page!

So now’s that time where I ask you to hit that reply button and say hello! You can even tell me what events you are looking forward to attending! 

Oh! I almost forgot about our promotion! This week Greenrbiar Market celebrates 2 years 🎉of being in business (we were an online only store before we opened up our shop this past June)! We’re offering a sweet deal on our In Store Gift Cards! Purchase a $100+ Greenbriar Gift Card and get a 10% Bonus or purchase a $200+ Gift Card and get a 20% Bonus ! This is a limited time offer! Click Here to take advantage!

Thanks for celebrating with us, 